ttf-arphic-uming: ttf-arphic-uming (Unicode Mingti (printed) ttf-arphic-uming: ttf-arphic-uming: Currently contains glyphs for * Big5 * GB2312-80 * HKSCS-2004 ttf-arphic-uming: * ISO8859-1,2,3,4,9,10,13,14,15 ttf-arphic-uming: * Bopomofo Extended for Minnan and Hakka ttf-arphic-uming: The Mingti font contains Firefly's bitmap characters for ttf-arphic-uming: pixelsizes 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16. ttf-arphic-uming: Currently only Big5 and GB2312 are covered by those. ttf-arphic-uming: ttf-arphic-uming: Project URL: ttf-arphic-uming: